Orsolya Görgényi

Senior Partner


Orsolya Görgényi is a transactional lawyer with international clients, with vast global connections and two decades of experience in the legal sector. Her motto: “I help clients to cross borders – both state borders and business ones.” She works with clients from around the world in all stages of establishing, acquiring and operating businesses in Hungary, and in assisting Hungarian clients in expanding their business activities abroad.


She specializes in international transactions, private and public M&A and corporate law, focusing on joint ventures, venture capital and private equity investments, as well as privatizations and related tax law. She is involved in tax and employment matters and is active in business mediation and roundtable negotiations utilizing supervision techniques.


She is a member or holds a position in several Hungarian and international professional organizations. She served as president of AIJA, the International Association of Young Lawyers in 2015-2016. She is a regular speaker and – being an active member of Toastmasters International – enjoys delivering “TED-style” talks at various conferences in the legal sector.


She is fluent in English and German and conversant in French and Spanish.


  • Legal500, 2022 – 2024, Corporate/M&A (Individual ranking): Leading Individual
  • Legal500, 2017 – 2024, Corporate/M&A (Team): Tier 2
  • Chambers Europe & Global, 2024, Corporate/M&A (Individual ranking): Band 2
  • IFLR1000, 2016 – 2023, Corporate/M&A (Team): Tier 2



  • Eötvös Károly Award by the Budapest Bar Association (2023)
  • She was elected a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation in 2017
  • “Honorary President” of AIJA (appointed by the general assembly held in Tokyo in 2017 in recognition of her valuable contribution as former president of the association)
  • “Exemplary Lawyer” award (from the Hungarian Bar Association in 2016 in recognition of exemplary dedication to highest principles of the legal profession)
  • IVLP (International Visitor Leadership Program) ”Women and Justice”, (2012, Orsolya had the honor to participate in a multi-regional professional exchange program organized and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Office of International Visitors)

Bar Memberships:

  • Budapest Bar Association (since 2002)


Other professional memberships:

  • AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers): President 2015-2016 after holding many other positions in the association. She served as vice-president Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership & Learning (SCILL) at AIJA in 2017-2020. She has been active in the M&A commission of AIJA for over a decade and has organized and spoken at a number of M&A seminars held across the globe.
  • ELTA (European Legal Technologies Association): ambassador, board representative since 2019
  • DAV (German Bar Association): extraordinary member, board member of the International Business Law section (IWR)
  • ABA (American Bar Association): Section of International Law, Business Law Section, Law Practice Management Division member, Non-US Lawyer Representative of the ABA SIL Council in 2017-2018.
  • IBA (International Bar Association): member, IBA’s Presidential Task Force on the Future of Legal Services member in 2017-2018
  • UIA (International Association of Lawyers) and IPBA (Inter-Pacific Bar Association) member
  • MSZCT (Association of the Hungarian Supervisors and Supervisor-Coaches): member
  • OME (Hungarian Mediation Association): member
  • Toastmasters International: member
  • She holds an LL.M. degree in Transnational Commercial Practice from Lazarski University / CILS and completed 6 courses of Boston University School of Law’s Executive LLM in International Business Law Program 2015.
  • She is a registered mediator and qualified as a tax advisor in 2014.
  • In 2012, she participated in a multiregional professional exchange program (International Visitor Leadership Program – IVLP) organized and funded by the U.S. Department of State Office.
  • She completed a two-year postgraduate business consulting and supervision studies program at the International Business School in 2005.
  • J.D., Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law (1998, summa cum laude).

H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000

