Renewed Hungarian Advertising Code: Gusztáv Bacher Part of Codification Committee

The Hungarian Advertising Code has been renewed and signed by 24 marketing, communication, and advertising organizations in Hungary. Szecskay’s Gusztáv Bacher was part of the expert group who prepared the updated code. The members of the codification committee include (in alphabetical order):

  • Dr. Gusztáv Bacher, chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ)
  • Dr. Ildikó Fazekas, director of the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT)
  • Fülöp Szilvia, general secretary of the Hungarian Advertising Association and member of its Ethics Committee
  • Zsolt Gerendi, General Secretary of the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board
  • Dr. Gyula Pánszky, president of the Legal Committee of the Hungarian Advertising Association


The updated Hungarian Advertising Code was prepared under the guidance of the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) and the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) and signed on 4 April, 2023. The Code delivers ethical guidance to companies in the field of advertising.

Since 2015 this is the first renewal of the code. It will be effective from 30 June, 2023 fulfilling the following goals:

  • modernizing and harmonizing it with international self-regulation standards
  • domestic legal and social environmental changes
  • taking into account the development of the profession, changes in technology and media consumption due to digitalization
  • practical experience gained during the application of the Code

The team paid special attention to the modernization of data protection norms, advertising aimed at children and adults, and advertisements related to environmental protection and sustainability.

Access the full Advertising Code HERE (in Hungarian).



Gusztáv Bacher, Senior Partner

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