Data Protection Thesis by Zoltán Kovács Awarded

The Hungarian Data Protection Society Association (MADAT) has announced Zoltán Kovács as this year’s winner in the competition for the best thesis in the field of data protection.

Under the title “Is there no new thing under the Sun, or considering the practice of the EU authorities, does the GDPR provide answers to the data protection questions the use of artificial intelligence raises?” the thesis was originally submitted at ELTE Institute for Postgraduate Legal Studies (ELTE JOTOKI) in September 2023.

Zoltán is head of Szecskay’s data protection practice. He supports various Hungarian and international businesses regarding data protection measures based on the latest local and European legislation, including data processing at work, data protection issues with regards to the use of artificial intelligence, whistle-blowing schemes, compliance with the GDPR and various sector-specific laws.

Following the announcement of the Gold prize, Zoltán had the honour to present his thesis to the members of MADAT. Further information about the winners of the competition can be found on the MADAT website.

Download Zoltán’s thesis HERE.



Zoltán Balázs Kovács, Partner

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