

Our clients
We typically advise technology, media and communication sector players on the cross border provision of services and local development projects, which requires both a very diverse multi-disciplinary approach when putting together legal advisory teams and of course a certain understanding of technological development.

From biotech to smart cars and cities
We hope to be able to cope with this challenge as we closely follow technological developments in the fields of biotech and biomedicine, self and connected driving technologies, smart city projects, online payment and financial products and services, crowdfunding, on-line media content development and distribution, on-line advertising models and development of its IT support, Internet based communication technologies and services, cyber security product development, B2B IT tools that help the development of various IT platforms and many more. A further interesting challenge is helping businesses to work with universities on joint R&D project and to negotiate cooperation and license contracts – which we have the opportunity to see from both sides.

What can we offer?
On a regular basis our work ranges widely from giving regulatory advice on cross border services to assisting the client when they are deciding on the right corporate vehicle to establish in Hungary, or making a corporate acquisition or an asset deal. We also deal with the employment and tax aspects of human resources management – mainly concerning IT developers from all over the world – via employment or service contracts, outsourcing contracts and commercial contracting and negotiations. We have a particular focus on IT development service or licensing contracts and IT maintenance services contracts. Furthermore, we provide mainly B2B dispute resolution assistance in front of the ordinary courts and via arbitration.

We also advise our clients on broader regulatory areas, such as on competition law and state aid matters, as well as procurement law. One of the most up-and-coming focuses is on providing data protection and data security advice and on curating the responses of IT development corporations to the data privacy requirements of the GDPR.

We also advise a number of media content provider and distribution companies on diverse copyright and licensing issues.



Gusztáv Bacher, Senior Partner
Zoltán Balázs Kovács, Partner
Gábor Faludi, Senior Of Counsel
András Szecskay, Managing Partner
Judit Budai, Senior Partner
Orsolya Görgényi, Senior Partner
Anikó Keller, Partner
Miklós Boronkay, Partner
Róbert Dezső, Partner
György Wellmann, Partner
Krisztina Sztoján, Associate
Emil Szabó, Associate
Dániel Bihary, Associate
Viktor Halupka, Junior Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000