
Private Clients / Asset Planning

Estate planning, asset protection
Family business owners need to carefully consider the separation of family and corporate assets and ensure more prudent planning, management and protection of family wealth.

Family business – family constitution
Responding to such needs, by meticulously following legislative developments, we advise high-net-worth individuals and family business owners on planning and negotiating “Family Constitutions”, with a particular emphasis on asset protection in addition to private and corporate estate and succession planning, which covers aspects of corporate law, family law (pre-marital agreements), inheritance law (will, inheritance agreements, etc.) and tax aspects.

Setting up a trust
We regularly advise clients on setting up a trust which offers a transparent solution for the legal protection of assets and succession planning in family businesses. Our clients can also rely on our services of preparing and maintaining trusts and private foundations, as well as advising in tailor-made succession planning and asset protection methods. We are proud that a high number of our private clients have confidence in us, not only with regards to our consulting on the various legal matters of their companies, but also in relation to shaping the entire future asset structure of their private wealth.



Sándor Németh, Partner
András Szecskay, Managing Partner
Judit Budai, Senior Partner
Orsolya Görgényi, Senior Partner
Gusztáv Bacher, Senior Partner
Adrienn Tar, Partner
Bence Molnár Sz., Partner
Gábor Faludi, Senior Of Counsel
Eszter Csordás, Of Counsel
Johanna Hermann, Associate
Emil Szabó, Associate
Máté Kiss, Associate
Dániel Bihary, Associate
Benedek Ádám, Junior Associate
Viktor Halupka, Junior Associate
Veronika Baglyas, Junior Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000