
Logistic, Transport and Aviation Services

Hungary, situated as it is at the CEE cross-roads of Europe, is well located to serve as a centre for rail and road logistics, as well as warehousing and postal services infrastructure.

Logistic, warehousing, delivery
We assist road logistic and warehouse service provider and postal delivery service provider clients in connection with corporate acquisitions and restructurings, acquisition of land for infrastructure development projects, and help to devise the contractual structure of the implementation and financing of such projects. We also have a wealth of experience of dealing with export development borrowings.

Passenger transport
We have helped international passenger transport infrastructure service providers to acquire assets and corporate interests in Hungary and to commence and develop the scheduled public passenger bus transport operations in Budapest. In that and in other cases our clients, as service providers or transport vehicle or infrastructure system/equipment suppliers, required assistance in public procurement tenders.

Public transport, highway, railway infrastructure
Regarding project development, we also assist borrowers in arranging the financing that they need for the development of highways, railways and passenger transport services. Recently, we successfully worked on the loan financing needed for the development, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of an automated fare collection system for public transport in the City of Budapest.

We regularly represent clients in administrative proceedings before various departments of the transport supervisory and licensing authority. We’ve even worked on a civil aviation matter involving the interception of a civil aircraft.

We have also represented transport logistic service provider clients in several commercial disputes relating to freight forwarding and warehousing activities, including in claims relating to the damage of goods in transit.



Gusztáv Bacher, Senior Partner
Attila Jásdi, Partner
Judit Budai, Senior Partner
Orsolya Görgényi, Senior Partner
Zoltán Balázs Kovács, Partner
Róbert Dezső, Partner
Sam MacMahon Baldwin, Partner
Emil Szabó, Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000