
Beauty, Fashion and other Branded Products / FMCG

Our clients
We have a long tradition of advising and assisting clients who have developed global luxury branded beauty and fashion products, spirits and tobacco, FMCG products and many more.

What can we offer?
In particular, we have particular expertise in:

  • brand and product protection via patent, trademark and other forms of intellectual property or copyright;
  • the management of brand portfolios and the selection of products and the territorial scope for protection;
  • the settlement of disputes in front of the Hungarian intellectual property protection office (SZTNH) and ordinary courts;
  • advising on advertising claims and all forms of commercials in general;
  • defending our clients in front of the Competition Authority and in court proceedings in connection with alleged misleading and unfair conduct claims;
  • licensing contracts connected with distribution networks;
  • advising on service and cooperation contracts with partners to facilitate brand building and development;
  • advising on sales and distribution contracts with B2B partners; and
  • advising on general terms for B2C on-line sales platforms.


We also offer training programs to sales teams

We also regularly provide training programs to the sales, marketing and IP management teams of brand owners and distributors on the above, fundamentally crucial topics.



Gusztáv Bacher, Senior Partner
Anikó Keller, Partner
András Szecskay, Managing Partner
Patrick Tausz, Senior Partner
Orsolya Görgényi, Senior Partner
Attila Jásdi, Partner
Zoltán Balázs Kovács, Partner
Miklós Boronkay, Partner
Gábor Faludi, Senior Of Counsel
Gábor Faludi Jr., Senior Associate
Lilla Kiss, Of Counsel
Regina Pszilosz, Of Counsel
Johanna Hermann, Associate
Viktória Cseh, Junior Associate
Veronika Baglyas, Junior Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000