
Automotive Industry

Vehicle industry client-base
During the past 25 years Hungary has developed a significant vehicle, particularly automotive industry presence with 4 FDI OEMS, and more than 700 multinational and local suppliers. From assembly lines to the highest tech mechatronic and IT R&D activity, Hungary has become a true automotive industry hub.

What can we offer?
Assisting in all areas of operation, R&D and innovation we help businesses in their R&D and innovation efforts by way of the following:

Advice to FDI’s and greenfield investments to create or acquire production, logistic and research facilities in Hungary to automotive component manufacturers from corporate, to financing, property law, IP and IT and employment law, as well as various contractual and administrative law, including environmental law matters.

Assistance to innovation of hardware components and systems and software solutions by IP and copyright law advice, as well as university cooperation agreements to automotive component and solution developers.

Providing diverse compliance advice as well as trainings to developer, procurement and sales teams of clients on competition and advertising law specialized on the automotive market from OEMs to Tier 1 and 2 and so on supplier chains, in vertical and horizontal relations.

Helping with tax and customs law advice to trade with components and finished products.

Assisting in local and cross border dispute resolution via mediation or ordinary court and arbitration proceedings.

In addition to manufacturing industry players we also advise automotive market service providers, such as car leasing companies on diverse car fleet matters, management, leasing, financing, risk management and dispute handling issues.

We also advise vehicle and traffic communication service providers in various compliance, IT, contractual and liability legal risk management and M&A matters.



Anikó Keller, Partner
Sándor Németh, Partner
Judit Budai, Senior Partner
Patrick Tausz, Senior Partner
Orsolya Görgényi, Senior Partner
Gusztáv Bacher, Senior Partner
Zoltán Balázs Kovács, Partner
Róbert Dezső, Partner
Adrienn Tar, Partner
György Wellmann, Partner
Eszter Csordás, Of Counsel
Krisztina Sztoján, Associate
Emil Szabó, Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000