
Real Estate and Construction

FDI, Commercial, Residential Development Legal Advice
Our real estate development and management practice is one of the firm’s core and most significant practice areas. We regularly advise foreign, multinational and domestic companies on complex real estate acquisitions and development ventures, including green-field investments.

Transaction Advice
Our lawyers’ expertise spans the entire spectrum of the project assignments range from performing the necessary due diligence prior to the acquisition, to the reviewing of the title, the chain of ownership and the zoning and environmental status of the property. The firm also prepares tailor-made sale and purchase agreements, architectural design and contractor agreements and lease agreements as required by the demands of the given project.

Dispute Resolution
We appreciate our reputation for being effective mediators of negotiations among various stakeholders (developers, local governments and other authorities, as well as various service providers such as architects/main contractors, and business partners) in often fraught and hectic situations, thereby adding value to the efficient preparation and timely completion of development projects.

However, if the worst becomes necessary, hand in hand with our strong dispute resolution team we can step into disputes which require either litigation or arbitration to solve them.



Patrick Tausz, Senior Partner
Katalin Grósz, Senior Partner
Attila Jásdi, Partner
Sándor Németh, Partner
György Wellmann, Partner
Bence Molnár Sz., Partner
Regina Pszilosz, Of Counsel
Johanna Hermann, Associate
Máté Kiss, Associate
Dániel Bihary, Associate
Dóra Czibere, Associate
Martina Pataki, Junior Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000