
Dispute Resolution

One of our core practice areas is dispute resolution. We are proud that our activity is widely known and is consistently top-ranked in legal directories for our work in this field. Our firm can offer clients:

Litigation services
We represent our clients in all types of court proceedings. Our broad and market-leading expertise expands in particular to corporate disputes, breaches of contract, damages claims, IP litigation, competition and labour affairs, cartel damages claims and construction disputes, as well as to the judicial review of competition, tax, public procurement and data protection decisions.

Arbitration services
We represent our clients in all kinds of Hungarian and international arbitration proceedings (in particular in ICC and UNCITRAL ad hoc arbitrations). We have special expertise in investment disputes and have acted in a number of ICSID arbitration cases. Several of our lawyers are listed on the Roll of Arbitrators of the Commercial Court of Arbitration attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Mediation and settlements
While we are tough in fights, we also promote dispute resolution by settlement if clients’ interest so requires . A number of our lawyers are also registered business mediators.

Third party funding
We assist our clients in finding third party funding for financing their claims, and also provide risk assessment opinions to litigation funders for cases involving Hungarian law.



Miklós Boronkay, Partner
András Szecskay, Managing Partner
Judit Gulás, Senior Partner
Katalin Grósz, Senior Partner
Patrick Tausz, Senior Partner
Gusztáv Bacher, Senior Partner
János Vajda, Partner
Miklós Boronkay, Partner
Róbert Dezső, Partner
György Wellmann, Partner
Gábor Faludi, Senior Of Counsel
Eszter Csordás, Of Counsel
Gábor Faludi Jr., Senior Associate
Gergely Benyó, Senior Associate
Matthew Francis, Associate
Krisztina Sztoján, Associate
Emil Szabó, Associate
Máté Kiss, Associate
Dániel Bihary, Associate
Dóra Czibere, Associate
Benedek Ádám, Junior Associate
Viktor Halupka, Junior Associate
Veronika Baglyas, Junior Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000