We support our Hungarian and international clients in complying with data protection regulations and managing data protection risks in this highly digitalized world. Our team provides a wide range of legal services on data protection measures based on the latest local and European legislation.
Avoiding exposure – compliance & risk-management
We assist our clients with preparing privacy policies, setting up whistle-blowing schemes and advise them in connection with issues concerning data processing at work and the transfer of personal data to a country outside the European Economic Area (e.g. use of standard contractual clauses or binding corporate rules (BCR)).
We regularly advise companies on issues relating to direct marketing (ePrivacy).
We also advise our clients on how to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable sector-specific data protection laws. In this regard, we provide assistance to clients in connection with preparing, amongst others, the records of data processing activities, the analysis concerning the designation of data protection officers (DPO), preparing a contract with the DPO and whether or not a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) needs to be prepared. We also assist our clients in preparing DPIAs and drawing up data breach policies and the register of data breaches. As regards compliance with the GDPR, we also offer and provide trainings to our clients.
We support our clients in the legal aspects of cybersecurity. We have experience working with international clients on a wide range of projects that focus on the protection of data and also provide legal advice and analysis in connection with the privacy implications of end-to-end encryption solutions. We further assist our clients with the preparation of various policies, including also policies on the use of electronic devices by employees for the purpose of work.
Our firm represents clients before the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority in the course of the notification of data breaches.