
Corporate / M&A

Corporate / JV
We provide A to Z corporate advice and services to our clients, who range from international or local listed companies to small and medium-sized businesses, who either have foreign parents or cross-border activities.

We help our clients to carefully design and operate an appropriate corporate governance structure. We often help with planning and structuring joint ventures and documenting the agreement of the parties via syndicate agreements. We have developed and implemented various takeover defense mechanisms for our clients including special charter and by-law provisions.

One of our core areas has been providing M&A transactional advice on share, business unit transfer and asset deals. We are involved in all phases of domestic and cross-border transactions, from structuring, through the due diligence phase, transactional document preparation and negotiation to the closing and post-completion integration. Our mandate often includes the preparation of merger control filings or other supervisory authority filings – connected with the change of corporate control – which seek approval or provide notification of the transaction.

Our extensive experience in the merger and acquisition field is a result of assisting buyers, sellers, targets and investment banks in a large number of varied transactions. These involve literally all agricultural, industrial manufacturing and services areas of the economy, from traditional processes right through to the highest state-of the art technologies.



Orsolya Görgényi, Senior Partner
Sándor Németh, Partner
András Szecskay, Managing Partner
Judit Budai, Senior Partner
Judit Gulás, Senior Partner
Katalin Grósz, Senior Partner
Attila Jásdi, Partner
Róbert Dezső, Partner
Adrienn Tar, Partner
Bence Molnár Sz., Partner
Eszter Csordás, Of Counsel
Judit Szórádi, Senior Associate
Gergely Benyó, Senior Associate
Matthew Francis, Associate
Lilla Kiss, Of Counsel
Regina Pszilosz, Of Counsel
Johanna Hermann, Associate
Emil Szabó, Associate
Máté Kiss, Associate
Dániel Bihary, Associate
Dóra Czibere, Associate
Viktória Cseh, Junior Associate
Martina Pataki, Junior Associate
Benedek Ádám, Junior Associate
Viktor Halupka, Junior Associate
Veronika Baglyas, Junior Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000