
Contract and Commercial Law

We always seek to understand our clients’ business first
Throughout our long-lasting relationships with our clients, we continuously strive to better understand their business goals in light of their operating constraints. Our reward has been consistent client satisfaction and our subsequent involvement in the daily operation of their commercial activities which includes, among others, the drafting, revising and negotiating of domestic and cross-border agreements, including:

  • sale and purchase agreements;
  • supply and other trade agreements;
  • manufacturing, distribution and agency agreements;
  • construction agreements;
  • franchise and license agreements;
  • cooperation and management agreements; and
  • outsourcing agreements of back-office functions and core functions (also for clients in regulated service sectors).


We support digital transacting & dispute resolution

We are also regularly requested to advise on both B2B and B2C general terms of our clients, who frequently operate from on-line platforms. We have experience in cases where brand images can be jeopardized due to social media activities. In these matters and other commercial and civil law disputes we more regularly represent our clients in out-of-court settlements.


We are also frequently consulted on conflict of laws and conflict of jurisdiction matters.



Attila Jásdi, Partner
Judit Gulás, Senior Partner
Patrick Tausz, Senior Partner
Orsolya Görgényi, Senior Partner
Gusztáv Bacher, Senior Partner
Anikó Keller, Partner
Zoltán Balázs Kovács, Partner
Miklós Boronkay, Partner
György Wellmann, Partner
Bence Molnár Sz., Partner
Eszter Csordás, Of Counsel
Gábor Faludi Jr., Senior Associate
Lilla Kiss, Of Counsel
Regina Pszilosz, Of Counsel
Johanna Hermann, Associate
Emil Szabó, Associate
Máté Kiss, Associate
Viktória Cseh, Junior Associate
Martina Pataki, Junior Associate

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H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17.

+36 (1) 472 3000